Wednesday 16 April 2014

Diocesan Priest has agreed to stand aside

A Waterford and Lismore Diocesan Priest has agreed to a request to stand aside while an alleged child protection matter which is understood to be historical is examined.

Parishioners in which the Priest were working with the past number of years were told at masses over the past weekend that the Priest had agreed to stand aside while the allegation is examined.

A statement was issued on Monday of this week by Fr Liam Power, the Communications Officer in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore.

The statement released by Fr Power reads:   

“The Diocese has received information regarding an alleged historical child protection matter involving a priest of the diocese. In accordance with church protocol he has been requested to stand aside, while this matter is enquired into. He has acceded to the request.

“This does not imply that what is being dealt with is either true or false, and the presumption of innocence applies. The leave from ministry is a precautionary measure. The statutory authorities have been notified of the information”.

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