Friday 7 July 2017

€15,000 of Public Money on Entertainment

Independent TD for Waterford John Halligan is one of five TD’s that form the Independent Alliance Group in Dáil Éireann spent more than €15,000 of public money on entertainment in 2016 it has been announced.

The Independent Alliance is chaired by Senator Feargal Quinn was founded in January 2015 by five Independent TDs Michael Fitzmaurice, Tom Fleming, John Halligan, Finian McGrath and Shane Ross.

Sean Canney, John Halligan, Finian McGrath, Kevin (Boxer) Moran and Shane Ross are the current TD’s in the group.

The figure of €15,000 is contained in the latest report for the Standards in Public Office Commission on public spending for 2016.

The report states that the majority of the spending was on events for TD’s staff and on catering for events in their constituencies.

The report also shows that Independent TD’s spent over €63,000 last year getting specialist and technical advice to help them in parliamentary work.

None of the political parties in the Oireachtas are reported as spending on entertainment. Parties in the Oireachtas are funded under different rules when it comes to spending on entertainment.

The report states that over €8 Million was spent by politicians and political parties of public funds in 2016.

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