Monday 19 May 2014

Jobs boost for West Waterford.

An Independent candidate in this week’s local elections in the Dungarvan/Lismore electorate area has welcomed the news that Waterford County Council has granted planning permission for an 800 square metre factory in the Old Parish area of County Waterford.

The factory which is to be occupied by local couple Jack and Marian Burke who plan to manufacture chocolate using milk produced in Ireland.

Local man Seamus O’Donnell has welcomed the news that the factory is to go ahead which could see up to twenty jobs for the area, which he has described as a great boost for the local economy.

It is hoped that construction work will begin in the immediate future.

The factory is to be located at the Údarás na Gaeltachta site at Barrnastook (,-7.623702,3a,75y,270h,88.8t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sjuwv3QBLnlsCLlryzU_G4w!2e0) at a site on the main road between An Rinn and Ardmore.  

The site was purchased in the 1990’s by the Údarás and had one factory unit built on it which has been used by different companies over the past twenty years.

Despite the best efforts of locals since the site was purchased attempts to build further units on the site have not happened until now.

The new factory is scheduled to commence production by December of 2014.

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